Our Activity

Our Manufacturing Infrastructure

We invest in people

A competent, experienced and motivated People with strict quality-control manages the DCL Group. The company is comprised of highly educated professionals in their respective departments, such as Production, R&D, and Marketing..

What we offer

DCL Dencare India provides a wide range of various pharma products in different sectors, and We also have best manufacturing plants in India to provide the best products to enhance the people life with an affordable range of prices.

Robust R & D Dept

To rise to your challenge and needs.
To develop formulations to suit your specialized markets.
Take on projects for innovative ideas.
Make small or large runs of production
commitment to R&D embedded in our logic.
Quality is guarantied.
DCL partners with external government attested Microbiological Laboratory, to test products independently
Lab mandate:
Conduct routine and in-depth microbiological testing
Reconfirm product performance and stability .
Validate sterilisation processes.
we purchase assess raw materials and equipment from designated renowned suppliers. In house tests are
carried to ensure safe use. Strict guidelines are followed to mfg under constant microbiological monitoring as
well as mfg process areas and microbiological analysis in line .

psp manufactures a wide range of Medical device
Products at its independent, state-of- the-art
manufacturing facilities, which also house
independent quality control departments and
research & development units.
The DCL Group has two fully automated, state-of-the-art independent production units. We are also
coming up with a third state of the art sterile facility,
specifically targeted for the regulated markets next
At our Gurugram plant, we manufacture /Ear/Nasal
Drops, Liquid Orals,external , dental and antiseptic

From inceptions of idea and therapeutic need we are fully committed with support from our UK partners to
develop robust durable formulations.
A good portion of our budget is allocated for R&D. Collaboration between highly experienced professional
ensure development of advanced products

We always strive to listen intently  to your specific needs be it Pharamceutical or Dental. The solution arrived at will satisfy you most strigent requirements.

Our staff will assit you in you selection of products and promotion so you reap the rewards of your efforts.

we will take on small runs top get going

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    Contract Manufacturing :

    We offer contract manufacturing to client’s across the globe. Our friendly staff will offer in depth support and expertise including assure quality, performance and affordability of our products under your label…

    Plant Faculties :

    • GMP compliant
    • ISO 13485 complaint.
    • Strict attention to detail.

    R&D Aims to :

    To rise to your challenge and needs.

    To develop formulations to suit your specialized markets.

    Take on projects for innovative ideas.

    Make small or large runs of production commitment to R&D embedded in our logic. From inceptions of idea and therapeutic need, we are fully committed with support from our UK partners to develop robust, durable formulations. A good portion of our budget is allocated for R&D. Collaboration between highly experienced professional ensure development of advanced products.